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Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Kindle: Third Post

Why a Kindle?

Frankly, the Kindle is just a far more efficient way to read. It holds up to 1,500 books! Everything is, well, electronic. So you can clip and paste, download your notes, dog ear pages, underline stuff—just like always—but the transfer to other mediums like Word, blogs, Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook is lighting fast. So, you can share knowledge quickly—as a teacher for me that’s very important. And you can even listen to it. It has a passable reader in either a man’s or woman’s voice. So, if you’re on the elliptical or treadmill, just turn it on and read 30-40 pages as you workout. Not bad…at all!

This is the THIRD post of several this week about the Kindle.

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