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Saturday, May 12, 2012

How of Happiness: Post#10--Savoring

Savor Life’s Joys: Savoring is about getting joy and happiness from thoughts or behaviors of the past, present or future.
a.    Get happiness from savoring the joys of the present…a hot cup of coffee, a sunset, watching a great basketball game, or just sitting still. People who develop this present state of savoring are less prone to depression, guilt, shame, or stress.
b.    Reminiscing about favorite memories of the past can produce intense pleasure. People good at this experience gratitude and self-confidence and are less likely to be hopeless or neurotic.
c.    People who savor a potential future, like an upcoming vacation, tend to be more optimistic.
d.    Savoring Strategies—becoming intentional about savoring can change your level of happiness. What’s more, there’s research to back up these claims.
i.    Relish ordinary experiences: both normal and depressed groups were asked to relish (savor) everyday experiences like a hot shower, a walk to work or exercising. The result was that each group increased happiness and reduced depression.

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