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Monday, January 19, 2009

How Full is Your Bucket?

A Review of How Full is Your Bucket (Written by Tom Rath and Donald O. Clifton)

Two confessions up front in this four-part review series:
1.First, I’m a big fan of the research that the Gallup folks have done over the years (published in their best sellers, Now, Discover Your Strengths and First, Break All the Rules).
2.Second, I like short books with useful information in them, such that the ROI (return on investment) of both buying and more importantly, reading it is high.
Tom Rath's and Donald Clifton's book, How Full is Your Bucket?, fits both my needs. Based on research over the years, the book has a strong foundation that allows it to say what might be obvious but now we know how important: People either fill us up or drain us of useful positive energy that reinforces our relationships, longevity, productivity and more. The series of posts over this week will look at some of the more key findings of this book—which I’d recommend especially to leaders, who want to have significant impact on their followers and ultimately the health and productivity of their organizations.

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